Time Passages

Tin Gas Signs 1
Tin Gas Signs 2
Tin Gas Signs 3
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Tin Auto Signs 1

Tin Sign Sale
2 for $20, regular $12.50 each

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign! Tin, vinyl, aluminum and porcelain. The following colorful tin signs are authentic reproductions that come with pre-drilled holes ready to hang.

ts_fordlogo_a.jpg Tin sign, Ford logo
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ts_fordparts_a.jpg Tin sign, Ford Genuine Parts
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ts_fordv8parts_a.jpg Tin sign, Ford Genuine V-8
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ts_mopar_a.jpg Tin sign, Mopar Parts
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ts_fordtrucks_a.jpg Tin sign, Ford Trucks round
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ts_fordraceparking_a.jpg Tin sign, Ford Racing Parking
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Chrysler, Ford, General Motors and Volkswagen trademarks are reproduced under license from the respective corporation.
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Catalog by wwwgarage.com