Time Passages

Gas Pump Globes
This Month's Online Sale Items
What's New
Tin Gas Signs 1
Larger Signs, Gas A - G
Decals, Restoration
Thermometers, Classic
T-shirts, Gas Station Logo
Art Prints & Photos
Decor & Gift Items
Everything Else
Ad Glass
ID Tags
Signs, Mobil, Socony
Neon Auto Signs
Gas Pump ID Tags Name Plates 2
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"Scotty's Garage" Catalog

by Time Passages, Ltd.
Suppliers of Filling Station Fantasies and Highway History


Fill 'er up! with antique & reproduction nostalgic gas station and automotive memorabilia. We buy, sell and trade vintage gasoline pumps, porcelain signs, gas globes and other collectibles. Our quality reproduction globes, signs, decals and gas pump parts are the best available. Time Passages, Ltd, has built a reputation on "Service with a Smile." Prices are subject to change without notice

We accept Mastercard, VISA, Discover, American Express

Print Catalog - with order
Order the print version of our catalog with many more items from the Time Passages array of Filling Station Fantasies and Highway History. This is a current copy of our black & white catalog. (A new color issue is in the works)
This catalog is free if you request it when placing an order. If you do not place an order at this time, a minimum shipping charge will be applied.
[Order]  [Checkout]

Print Catalog Only - No order at this time

If you want to order only a print catalog at this time, click here. This will get you the catalog for $4, including shipping. That's less than the shipping minimum.


If you have questions or comments, you can contact us toll free at 800-383-8888 or e-mail us at timepass@netins.net. We appreciate your patronage.

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© 2021 Time Passages, Ltd.
Catalog by wwwgarage.com